This time must be quick!

Otherwise, it’s not far from the group extinction!
Although everyone has tried to run out, four people are connected in a jump in two seconds.
Xiao Hu was hurt by jumping six times. Even if there are two priests and the blood line is added, it is already less than 50%
This is especially dangerous for an M.
Fortunately, everyone has run out of this skill jump range, so the black ball is unwilling to flash for five seconds after it can’t find a new target, and it has been dissipated after being connected to six people and jumping for 10% damage …
Then when they had a safe time.
BOSS, when the blood volume is 40%, the star rays appear again.
An Xiaoya was unfortunately caught four times in a row and was properly laid down.
So she made time once a day to give resurrection skills at this stage, full of blood and blue, and continued to fight with everyone.
BOSS, when the blood volume is 30%, the ripple attack appears again.
After a lesson, everyone quickly became a row of tigers in front, and everyone resisted all the injuries.
BOSS, when the blood volume is 20%, the chain attack reappears.
Everyone stayed away from the first time and was shot directly again. Xiao Hu, this time, the black ball was chained to three people.
So Xiao Hu vomited, "What always hurts me?"
This time, he was attacked three times again, second only to An Xiaoya for four times.
"Isn’t there any other attack method for this BOSS besides black smoke overhead?"
He continued to mutter
An Xiaoya’ s heart is awkward. "No one treats you as dumb if you don’ t talk!"
Everyone glared at Xiao Hu!
Because in front of this tall, dark body, wrapped in hard plate armor, riding a dark ghost horse, the Lord-level BOSS ghost knight is going to issue skills again.
But this time, it’s not black smoke, but black light all over the body!
It’s typical to send out skill signs, and of course everyone can see it!
So it can be said that Xiao Hu is really a crow mouth.
"Be careful, everyone. This skill looks like a knight’s skill charge, but there must be variation!"
Yin Ming, who wants to be a knight, first discovered the directivity of this skill.
"Everyone should try not to divide in a straight line!" Dad immediately gave a response.
It is impossible to escape from the principle of linear charge base because of the skill base of charge
It’s been a long time, but it’s all in a flash.
As soon as Dad’s voice fell, the Ghost Knight pulled the reins and charged directly in a certain direction!
The target is Yin Ming!
"At present, it seems that it should be a random roll call." Dad quickly recorded the information.
Yan Ming suddenly felt a little excited when he saw the knight running at himself.
What he wants to be is this kind of occupation of riding a mount on the earth!
"Amin, try and see if you can hide!"
An Xiaoya also called Yin Ming’s name in the game.
Yin Ming believed that An Xiaoya hid sideways when the knight was about to hit his body after hearing her voice.
Although I didn’t finish hiding in the past, I didn’t lose much blood when I was rubbed, and I didn’t suffer from bad conditions such as dizziness and repelling after being charged.
"It’s good to be avoided by the charge. It will be better if you can avoid it a little!"
Dad nodded with satisfaction, and his fiance’s skills and consciousness were first-class!
There are two people, a male god and a goddess. It’s a perfect match!
Yin Ming escaped this skill and turned around only to find that BOSS actually attacked himself!
An Xiaoya glanced at the plug-in and immediately said, "Hatred resets Xiao Hu to pull hatred after the charge!"
Xiao Hu just ran to the front of the BOSS when she heard the big sister’s command, without saying a dozen provocations, and lost them to the BOSS, pulling the hatred back firmly.
"The charge skill is not over!"
After being rescued by Xiao Hu, Yin Ming revealed his discovery.
Dad looked intently at the dark knight and it was still there!
Chapter 99 Explore the second floor of Ghost Tower
"Is it still a charge?" Xiao Hu felt that his future in life was dark without a little hope.
"Then I reset my hatred after every charge, so I will be tired and chase the riding BOSS like a dog. Will I pull back my hatred after every charge? This is really too lame! "
He thinks this BOSS is just playing with himself.
An Xiaoya also thinks Xiao Hu is quite pitiful.
But pity is pity. He’s a little tired. Everybody’s a little bit tired, isn’t he?
"Come on, Tiger!"

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在这个快节奏的生活中,我们总是需要寻找一种方式来放松身心,释放压力。而长沙星沙的自助桑拿体验,无疑是一场身心焕新的旅程。在这里,你可以尽情享受高温蒸腾的桑拿,让汗水洗净疲惫,让心灵得到片刻的宁静。 一、环境与设施 长沙星沙的自助桑拿中心,装修风格简约而不失格调,环境宽敞明亮,给人一种舒适放松的感觉。中心内设有多个桑拿房,包括干蒸、湿蒸、石板床、玉石床等多种类型,满足不同顾客的需求。 此外,中心还配备了淋浴区、休息区、茶水区等设施,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能得到全方位的呵护。特别是休息区,柔软的沙发、舒适的氛围,让人一坐下来就不愿离开。 二、服务与态度 长沙星沙自助桑拿中心的服务态度非常贴心,工作人员热情周到,随时为顾客提供帮助。从顾客踏入中心的那一刻起,就会感受到家的温馨。 在桑拿过程中,服务员会及时为顾客补充水分,提醒注意身体变化,确保顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能保证身体健康。此外,中心还提供免费茶水、零食,让顾客在桑拿过程中随时补充能量。 三、桑拿体验 在长沙星沙自助桑拿中心,你可以根据自己的喜好选择合适的桑拿类型。以下是一些受欢迎的桑拿体验: 1. 干蒸:高温蒸腾的干蒸房,能迅速打开毛孔,促进血液循环,消除疲劳。 2. 湿蒸:湿蒸房内的蒸汽能滋润皮肤,缓解肌肉酸痛,同时有助于改善睡眠。 3. 石板床:石板床桑拿利用天然石材的散热性能,让身体得到更深层次的放松。 4. 玉石床:玉石床桑拿具有独特的养生功效,能促进新陈代谢,增强免疫力。 四、总结 长沙星沙自助桑拿中心,以其优质的服务、舒适的设施和丰富的桑拿体验,成为了当地人们放松身心的好去处。在这里,你可以尽情享受高温蒸腾的桑拿,洗净烦恼,焕发活力。不妨抽空来一场身心焕新的旅程,为自己的生活增添一份惬意。


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