When that darkness is quiet.

Different changes have been made.
But that’s different from killing or fighting bloody battles.
It was pure darkness and dark confrontation.
Farewell to greatness.
The whole dark temple
There is a kind of gas rising and falling.
It’s like an elegy singing over and over again
very long
And very short.
It’s a moment
Or maybe centuries.
Poverty rises in the darkness
Something fell slowly.
It’s like the dust accumulated for several years has finally settled in the mill.
The darkness is long.
There are still two people sitting at both ends of the black rock long table.
But things have changed, and the final change is to be continued.
Ps first Geng
Page four hundred and fifty It’s so lonely.
In fact, everyone will be lonely sometimes.
Even if you are not a person, you will be lonely.
La Livache feels very lonely now.
Watching the last old friend die slowly in front of him in a city.
Really lonely
In the past, La Livache never thought about how he would die. He had too many lives or was out of date. He always thought about how to live.
But now I watch Ashram dissipate in front of my eyes bit by bit.
He suddenly felt that it was not bad to die like this.
There are few familiar people alive.
It won’t be too lonely
It’s too sad to die alone.
Yeah, it’s sad, isn’t it
This kind of emotion
In the dark temple
Final showdown result
Or did La Livache win
Many years ago, he won, and he drove Ashram away from the position of Speaker of Parliament for many years.
And Ashram can change his face and even make a name for himself to be someone else
But in fact, it’s all so-called. What name and identity are for them who don’t even have a body?
It’s all too extravagant and cumbersome.
It’s a pity.
Ashram, you are going to die.
There will be no more acquaintances from now on.
That’s …
Really sad?

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