长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 广州夜网 Killing, practicing, smelling of strong life and death, the real person of Chunyang was beaten by an elder Xuanyuanzhen, and he tried his best to save his life.

Killing, practicing, smelling of strong life and death, the real person of Chunyang was beaten by an elder Xuanyuanzhen, and he tried his best to save his life.

At that time, people were once again frightened by XuanYuanzong’s fierceness.
But what they never imagined was that all this was just a
After half a month, the real palm of the ghost battlefield suddenly sent a large number of investigators to rush around to hunt down XuanYuanzong’s life and death cultivation.
Although it lasted only a few days, the casualties were absolutely amazing.
Among them, Xuanyuan Zongdi, who entered the battlefield of ghosts and gods, was forcibly abolished and repaired. In addition, three other people were besieged by several investigations and ended up in the soul.
It is said that even the less patriarch of XuanYuanzong was captured by the investigation. When things got here, it was still that one of the patriarchs of XuanYuanzong said that the strong relatives of XuanYuanzong were facing the investigation and begging for human feelings before the less patriarch was rescued.
In this killing, everyone talks about the word investigation, but no one dares to easily surpass the strength of nature, and even dare not secretly be dissatisfied with the investigators.
This situation lasted for decades before it gradually returned to normal
However, many people who are lucky enough to escape from the investigation have a very puzzled problem in practice. This problem is that every detective has to ask if they know a teenager in a blue shirt before starting work.
Then these people will not attack until they have answered this question.
Gal these lucky enough to live life practice also speculated that the disaster of XuanYuanZong 19 was caused by the young man who said in the blue.
I don’t know who this person is, but he can make such a behemoth as Xuanyuanzong fall into such a big somersault.
After this incident came to light, Xuan Yuan Zong also issued many arrest warrants, but it was to arrest the teenager in blue.
However, it is puzzling that although many people have captured many teenagers dressed in blue, they have just not caught XuanYuanzong dignitaries.
I owe my brother too much. Hey, today, I’m sorry for a long chapter. Chapter two hundred and fifteen Return to Wanxing.
A high void in Wanxing mainland suddenly tore a ten-foot-long mouth and a white light flashed inside.
Then a teenager in a blue robe hunched over his arms to protect an imaginary mouse and made every effort to rush from this big gap.
The boy’s face is awkward and still has residual blood.
Listen and shout. That gap quickly disappeared. It is because this place is extremely unstable and sometimes all kinds of chaotic forces spread here.
I didn’t expect the blood egg to really tear up the avatar. The boy looked at the unstable point behind him and his face was full of crazy color.
It’s a pity that the blood egg fell into a deep sleep after helping you tear it apart. Haha, for so many years, we are afraid that it is still the only person who can leave the battlefield of ghosts and gods in this way.
At this time, the little dragon mouse has a white mark on its eyebrows. Suddenly, this mark has exposed a black eye.
Then the black eyes swept to heaven and earth.
It turned out to be the top of the deep sea. Seeing this, the little dragon mouse laughed and was very excited. It’s great to finally return to Wanxing mainland again.
We have left the battlefield of ghosts and gods. Meng Fei smell speech slightly zheng, and then looked around the environment carefully. After some induction, he sighed in a low voice. I also thought that we would die in that terrible place and never come. I didn’t expect that God shuts one door and shuts another.
Speaking of which, Meng Fei was not silent.
He shudders at the thought of being in that hellhole these days.
Whether it’s killing or living in the battlefield of ghosts and gods, where people have no future and no hope, they may lose their lives at any moment. I’m afraid Meng Fei would have been killed long ago if it wasn’t for the little dragon mouse’s guidance and blood eggs to help him.
After falling to the ground, Meng Fei’s vigilance was abnormal. He looked around and saw nothing dangerous before he breathed a sigh of relief.
It seems that we can set a coordinate here. When the blood egg wakes up from a deep sleep that day and you have enough strength, you must go in again and take risks to explore the treasure. The little dragon mouse looked at them. They just came here and their eyes flashed with different light.
Let’s talk about it later. I remember when we tore up the cracks in the virtual profit and fled, the old monster in the bone temple seemed to come. Will we tear up the virtual pursuit and come here like us? Meng Fei didn’t take it lightly, but his eyebrows frowned and said
Don’t worry, let’s not say that the old monster didn’t tear up the virtual strength. Even if he can really tear up the virtual place, it’s random. It may be around you or tens of thousands of miles away.

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