长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 Uncategorized Ha ha ha ha Meng Fei smell speech patted the palm of your hand and laughed. Tears are coming soon. Bei Gong, are you eating? Hey hey, are you afraid?

Ha ha ha ha Meng Fei smell speech patted the palm of your hand and laughed. Tears are coming soon. Bei Gong, are you eating? Hey hey, are you afraid?

Meng Fei said here, don’t wait for what Bei Gong is talking about. Where can you see a little smile and glare with disdain? I mean, fuck you, second-class vassal state.
Don’t you get what you want by yourself, but you idiots have to give it to you. If you want to be old today, no one will fucking leave this Xuanyuan country alive.
After this, all the people present were stunned.
Even Princess Zixi, Ye Chenxi, and Bei Gong, a coquettish woman, were stunned.
For many days, I was depressed in my heart, and what happened in Xuanyuan country today made Meng Fei want to vent it hard for a long time. At this moment, Meng Fei’s real man strength finally broke out.
Bah, I don’t care about the king’s fucking manners, I don’t care about the etiquette. Let’s die of old age. Yes, you are all big shots. You are all big uncles. You can fart and fly to the old Xuanyuan country.
If you want to kill, it’s none of your business, but if you die, you have to go to the old site to fight and kill, and destroy the old country and kill the old subjects. That’s fine. Hey, hey, today, I’ll show you big people who are high above me what it’s like to be a little guy.
When a man is angry, he can spill blood five times.
Meng Fei scolded before everyone could react. Suddenly, the figure flashed for a second, and his body shot up in Sinochem with a ghosting shadow, and his hands grabbed it in the virtual with high-speed movement, and then a bright black sword flashed in Meng Fei’s hands.
Ha, ha, ha, old man, let’s get some interest first. Meng Fei laughed. Zhongtian sword suddenly split in front of him. Arrogant than two idiots was suddenly split into four sides.
Hey, hey, it’s always soft persimmon. If you want to pinch it, you can’t put the old one in your eyes. Meng Fei lifted his foot and rubbed his foot. Tianyi sword was stained with blood, and then he stretched himself in the face of heaven and showed a row of big white teeth. Hey, hey, smiled and said, the old devil is arrogant today, and none of them can run away.
Ahhh, I used to pretend to be an Avatar blood butcher, and Ling Huhan’s soul was scared, screaming and flying back again and again like a chrysanthemum stabbed by a mace. This goods is called blood butcher, but it is as small as a needle’s eye.
Seeing Meng Fei’s sword, he split two virtual immortals to protect the country. The king jumped up from the ground in fear and even crawled and rolled behind the s-curve woman Bei Gong. Where was the smug expression of attacking the two masters half a minute ago after success?
Meng Fei’s master demeanor is like a local ruffian. He will grin and make several people envious. The black sword of the God of War soldier does not hide his pride in his shoulder eyes. Do you still want to wash my Xuanyuan country?
It seems that we all underestimated you, but let you hide a lot of strength. Bei Gong, a coquettish woman, smiled in a white dress in the morning breeze, and the skirt was flying and dusty. A piece of whisked skirt was as dazzling as suet jade, and she said with a smile.
King Xuanyuan, my promise is still valid. Are you willing to play for the imperial court? I’ll pretend that everything just happened never happened. You can still get everything you want, even if you want me. Chapter 117 Little people are angry.
Bei Gong said, here, the white face is just showing a little charming blush. Who has ever seen this beautiful woman who holds several lives and the dead show such shyness?
Chaoyang several men suddenly suffered nosebleeds in their consciousness, and even Ye Chenxi, the ancestral temple of the Great Xia Dynasty, turned his eyes elsewhere and dared not look at this beautiful face again.
How dare I wink at the old man like this? Have you never seen a slut before? Meng Fei rolled his eyes disdainfully.
I have to admit that Meng Fei’s mouth is really vicious
This sentence scolded Bei Gong for changing color on the spot, while others almost laughed.
Bei Gong’s temperament is full of unique charm of exotic beauty, and she doesn’t reveal the charm of a peerless stunner. It is simply beautiful to a woman. In Tianluo Dynasty, I don’t know how many princes and nobles dreamed of becoming her guest.
It is said that the emperor of the dynasty has a good impression on this beautiful creature. He was scolded by Meng Fei one mouthful and one slut. He will always be elegant and calm. Bei Gong is trembling with gas and his face is white.
I don’t know what’s going on. Give me death. The glamourous woman, Bei Gong, behind her, the white clawed assassin suddenly disappeared to the ground with a cold hum, as if she had melted into the air without leaving any ripples.
Obviously, this terrible assassin has gone into the void and is preparing for a fatal blow.
However, Meng Fei fell backwards as if he had not seen this scene.
Be careful, this is the invisibility of the shadow clan. It’s the best way to assassinate. Sitting on the ground, it’s full of purple flames. The girl in purple clothes, Zi Qi, doesn’t know when she has opened her eyes.
Beautiful leisure as beautiful as jade onion Qiao face with a little bit nervous to see Meng Fei this big mouth awake way
Meng Fei smiled and cast a thank-you look at the beautiful girl.
Right here, it’s a sudden change
Suddenly, in the cold air, layers of ripples are almost invisible to the naked eye, which is like a magnificent and strange demon flower blooming on a calm water surface. It almost passes through this demon flower and instantly appears in front of Meng Fei.
It’s like the sudden appearance of ghosts in the dark night, which transcends the human reaction speed flash and pierces Meng Fei’s chest
Drop by drop of blood
Down the scales-like barbs, bloody claws dripped.
Gradually, the figure of a white assassin appeared inch by inch in front of Meng Fei. His face was filled with a proud and ferocious smile, and the curvature of his mouth was full of cruelty. He deliberately twisted his claws and inserted himself into Meng Fei’s body. He saw his opponent’s desperate and pleading eyes
Around in alarm.
On Princess Zixi’s side, most people’s hearts have just risen and their hopes have been quickly dashed. Some people secretly scold this little king for being such a stupid pig.
On the other hand, those traitors with black ribbons look at Meng Fei with playful eyes and disdain for sympathy, just like watching a clown who tried to steal the limelight but failed.

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