"knowledge? Experience? Power? "

"I rely on’ not greedy’ or’ point to stop’"
"If I want a piece, he will think about what I want the evening slate for, but he will give it to me in the end."
"If I want it, it will arouse his hostility and I may get nothing in the end."
There was a change in the writing on the board, so that’s it
Your wisdom is amazing.’
But you want a piece’
Is a slate enough for you?’
Is it really a slate before you finish the migration ceremony?’
Then why didn’t you talk to that little guy earlier?’
Is the timing just right?’
Suddenly, several lines burst out of the screen.
Chapter 1549 Fighting
In the morning, the sun shines deeply, and in winter, it makes people feel warm.
Sunseeker Tong at the airport apron reluctantly let go of her hand holding Tianyang’s clothes. She looked up and saw her father’s hand fall.
Rubbed her hair as usual.
"Listen to Xun Hua". My father’s voice is clear and gentle like the spring breeze in March.
Sunseeker tong tried to resist the eye socket and nodded his head.
"Fools are not sad, we will meet soon."
"I promise"
Father’s hand pinched her face gently.
Then turned around and boarded the lifting deck.
Sunseeker Tong waved, "Dad, you have to come back soon."
That dazzling figure smiled back and walked into the flying ship door.
Sunseeker tong looked at the door closed and the flying ship rose. He looked at the metal creation and finally went away. A black spot followed Kaoru and the bird back to the car.
The magnetic energy car left the port.
Sunseeker Tong yawned on the way and closed his eyes by Kaori’s side.
She seems to be asleep.
A moment later
She came to her senses and saw the moon hanging in an exaggerated sky.
I saw dark, gorgeous and slightly twisted buildings.
See one by one wearing human clothes and learning to walk like a human being.
She has come to the’ heart city’
The size of the city seems to be smaller by a circle, and the number of street evils has also decreased a lot.
Sunseeker Tong skillfully raised her little hand and caught her. Deep and dark breath immediately poured out around her. These things wrapped her up and when she dispersed, she disappeared.
When she reappeared in the void, she had come to a building like a small castle.
She pushed the door into the spacious hall and saw a nine-year-old boy in a black suit and a bow tie.
The boy "Good Evening Hall" bows like an adult.
Sunseeker Tong casually found a place to sit "It’s daytime in my place"
"Have a goal again? Ah Yi "
The boy who was given the name "A Yi" nodded "Yes Hall"
"That’s a sly guy. I found it. I worked hard."
Sunseeker Tong nodded and said, "Leave so late."
"But I might slow down."
"After all, I’m not going anywhere now."
"Good" looked at the girl. "You seem a little unhappy."
Sunseeker Tong bent her legs and put her pillow on her knees. "Well, dad’s gone."
"I don’t know how long he will be away this time."
"I’m a little worried about him"
Ah smiled and said, "If this is the case, the temple must work harder."
"Gather all the pieces as soon as possible so that you can help your father."
Xi Tong said quietly, "I know, but I’m worried that my father won’t like me then."
Ah Yi’s expression is stiff. He can understand the worries of Sunflower.
He was able to comfort himself by combing the human information he had found. "How come? No parents will hate their children."

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