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"But at present, the fortress schools have their own bodies, so they gave us the task of destroying this monster."

Fei Yuan touched Ba Dao. "The fortress is very wise to do so."
Tianyang also agreed with nodded.
It is wise to send it to Yunjia if there is really no extra high-level combat power to allocate.
The combat effectiveness of Yunjia’s team has been fully said in the past half month, and no one will doubt Yunjia’s combat capability.
What’s more, Yun Hai and Yun Yuan are two brothers.
Yunfeng householder Yunjia giant is unlikely to make such moves.
But there is still a cloud deep.
Yunyuan is a transcendent figure in the Beidou base, a strong man with rank 6, who has hit the giant tree of resentment with a blow.
With his words and Yunfeng team’s assistance.
Destroying a monster should not be said.
Tianyang wants to go deeper.
This monster should be the king’s bodyguard. If it is handled from time to time, it may pose a threat to the coming war.
"Do you know the details of this monster?" The boy asked
Yunfeng shook his head. "I know very little. After all, facing it, people are dead and hunters come back with very limited information, but no matter if it is a fortress, we will finish it if we accept it."
"I’ve agreed with Ling Zongcan to borrow you for a day or two. Anyway, it’s not a big problem for you to go out and explore one day more and one day less in the meritorious exploration team."
Tianyang nodded. "Then when shall we start?"
"You just got back, take a rest for a while, and then start in four hours."
Tianyang thought that he had made a’ super acceleration mode’ on his way back to camp and consumed a lot of stars. After four hours of talking, he recovered to about 60% or 70%.
However, this trip is obviously the main force, even if the star aggregates are not overflowing, it should be enough.
Then let its captain inform their players to prepare for the attack, and Yunfeng announced the meeting.
Tianyang left the main account and drank a bottle of Xing Yun supplement silently, thinking that if it were a night star, you could find it and ask the details of this monster.
Since there is no time to play it by ear.
Back in his camp, the teenager unloaded his equipment and lay down in bed to relax.
He needs the help of sleep to recover his physical strength and cope with the coming.
Before going to sleep, he examined his sublimation state and found that the sublimation progress has increased in recent days.
It’s already 7!
It seems that the sublimation progress will be full soon.
However, teenagers also know that the promotion problem that puzzles sublimation people is not the progress of sublimation, but the media needed for promotion.
But now he is not going to think about it.
After relaxing for a while, the teenager fell asleep.
Almost four hours later, he woke up, stretched himself and sat up in bed.
Tianyang felt a little that "Xing Yun has probably recovered by 70%, which is enough"
He jumped out of bed and quickly took the weapon out of the camp.
In Yunjia camp, the team came to Zi Long, who was talking to the players.
See Tianyang Zi Long waved and said, "You act less with the cloud."
Tianyang shrugged and had no objection to this arrangement.
YunYuan and Yunfeng came out from the main account one after another.
Yunyuan simply wore some armor and was unarmed. Tianyang recalled that he didn’t seem to have seen any weapons in Beidou base.
So is the sea of clouds.
Don’t experts have weapons?
This reminds Tianyang of Wang Liangyi’s sword day. Maybe Wang Liangyi has found something.
"Tianyang, you come with me."
Yunfeng took off his slightly grandiose outer robe this time, dressed in a strong outer jacket, and hung his double guns around his waist, which has its own heroic spirit.
"When we find the monster, we will be responsible for testing the ability of the monster as much as possible, and then formulate tactics, and then the main force of Erbo will annihilate the monster in one fell swoop."
Tianyang nodded and didn’t object to Yunfeng arrangement.
He and he are both people with special physique, and their combat power cannot be measured by ordinary ranks.
Yunfeng attack can defeat the enemy from a long distance and has fierce firepower; Tianyang is flexible and powerful when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
A two-person combination attack will cover both ranged and melee attacks, so as to try out the monster’s fighting style to the maximum extent and find out its ability.
It’s rare that Master Yun Fenggui dares to take the lead and fill the experiment himself.
In its place, the young master of the family would probably let his hands do the work, but Tianyang just doesn’t think there is anything wrong with both methods.
Seeing that all the people were ready, Yunfeng looked at himself and nodded, and he drank a "start"
The Yunjia team crossed from the base and left the camp to go deep into Chicheng.
Yun Fengzao got the location of the monster from the fortress and knew that the route had never been a wave at all.
It wasn’t long before Tianyang found that there were fewer buildings around.
Soon a large area of land appeared before my eyes.
It’s like a huge school yard.
In the dark background in the distance, the teenager vaguely saw a dark red building, which looked a little like the main church of war, but it was more magnificent and huge.
There are some sculptures in twos and threes, some of which are dressed in classical robes, while others are ferocious monsters.
However, both human and monster sculptures are kneeling and prostrating, and they all point to the dark red building with a very unified orientation.
The procession passed through the strange sculptures and approached the building in the distance.
The building is getting closer and closer. At this time, it can be seen that, like other buildings in Chicheng, it is also piled up by flesh and bones.
It has the main building, the cloister wing tower and some ancillary buildings.
Magnificent and large-scale
On this building, the day before yesterday, the sun saw the collapsed wall, no longer spraying water, and no statue of the head.
Finally, his eyes fell on the huge and unusually heavy opposite door in the middle of the main building.
"According to what we said before, Tianyang and I will go in to test you and stay here until we come back."
Yunfeng ordered and looked at Tianyang. "Are you ready?"
Tianyang tightened his hand and the moonlight sword "can act at any time"
Yunfeng’s jaw is no longer talkative, so go first.
The teenager followed him.
They went deep into the courtyard and felt a desolation and loneliness.
"Listen, we’re not going in there to try our best, but if you feel dangerous, don’t worry about me. I have a way out."
Came to the front door Yunfeng stretched out his hand to push the result door beyond imagination.

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