Warm thought "this I try"

Wen Liang’s death is certain, but the process of death is variable. She may not be able to guarantee that she will catch someone to the Wen family for trial and execution.
Jin Meilin didn’t insist on anything. "There is another one who has no hope in my life, but I don’t want to die yet. As you can see, there is nothing in the second room, and I don’t ask for a bite to eat and a good death."
I didn’t hesitate to ask for warmth, but I agreed, "But if you continue to live here, you won’t be short of food, clothing and food, and people around you will continue to stay and wait on you."
"Can you make decisions?"
"Can be the master!"
"Well, then I have one more condition. The last one."
"You said"
"Can you leave my three daughters alive in the future?"
Smelling the warmth, I sneered coldly. "Are you so sure that I left them alive instead of begging them to let me go?"
Jin Meilin was sad. "Wen Liang can’t beat you. How can they be your opponents? It’s only a matter of time before they fail. They are just too proud … ""Is it pride? " Warmly and derisively interrupted, "You don’t want them to plead, but they won’t appreciate it, but it’s a shame. Besides, there are Meng’s family behind them, so it doesn’t necessarily matter who dies in the end."
Jin Meilin face changed "but I still want to …"
"Still want to ask for an amulet for them?" I can understand your selfishness, mother, but I can’t do it. I can say that if they don’t deal with me, then I won’t deliberately fight against them. But if they do, I won’t be passively beaten. In the future, I will leave them alive. It depends on how dead they are. I won’t kill them all, but if they are desperate and touch my bottom line, then I will never show mercy! "
This statement is not covered up.
Jin Meilin closed her eyes and knew that it was true that she had too many delusions for a long time before she opened her eyes and looked at the warmth. "If you can do it twice, I will tell you the knowledge department."
The warm expression is still cold and faint, but my heart is quietly tightened.
Listen to Jin Meilin low way "you must also find Meng Guhe gentle have some kind of connection, right? But I can’t guess what makes them so trusting and intimate. I tell you it’s blood. "
Warm eyes flashed surprised "blood? What kind of blood? "
Jin Meilin corners of the mouth become warped with pride and indulgence "Meng Jiangcheng Meng home master is Jiang Yunxiu brother brother unexpected? Ha ha ha … "
The warmth is really shocking. It seems that there is no connection. Are they actually brothers and sisters? It’s too tight to hide, and I haven’t been in contact for decades. What are you hiding? "Are you sure?"
It’s too important for her to trust Jin Meilin easily.
"Of course, I’m sure I said this is an exchange of secrets for half my life. Can I lie to you?"
"How do you know?"
Jin Meilin sneered at her eyes, shining with revenge. "I secretly found that Wen Liang thinks that she is always forbearing and cautious, but she doesn’t know how to guard against others. But I am his wife, and there will always be clues when she gets along day and night."
"Does he know that you found the secret?"
"Of course not, I dare not say it, but I didn’t expect it …" Her face was filled with pain. "My heart helped him hide secrets. In fact, my daughters have long known that they only kept secrets from me. Do they all think I am stupid?"
Warm didn’t answer the phone.
Jin Meilin calmed down for a while and laughed at herself. "They didn’t expect that I actually knew this secret and got a lot of benefits. Hehe, I want them to regret taking me as a fool."
This is even my own daughter’s fault.
Warm don’t want to listen to these asked, "what else do you know in meng home? How can Meng Jiangcheng and Jiang Yunxiu be brothers and sisters? "
Change the subject Jin Meilin look normal "Jiang Yunxiu is imperial city that Jiang Gu illegitimate daughter this matter you should have heard about it? If it weren’t for this identity, the master wouldn’t have forced her into the door at the risk of offending your grandmother. You must know that you are not greedy for Jiang’s family and want to borrow this big tree. Unfortunately, Jiang Jiagen doesn’t recognize Jiang Yunxiu’s identity, and she is doomed to become an abandoned Jiang’s family. Now the master Jiang Yunshan hates illegitimate identity. It is well known that Jiang’s family rules are very strict and Wen Liang once wanted to make friends with Jiang’s family. Supposedly, he had to call Jiang’s master an uncle and Jiang’s cousin. How big a face is this going out? Don’t say that Wen Jun, the man who lived in the whole Huadu, didn’t respect him, but he didn’t have the blessing. People simply didn’t see him as a stranger. "
These warmth have long guessed that if Jiang Gu is willing to admit Wen Liang, it’s really hard to say the situation of Wen Jia now, or it’s her big house to be swept out of the house.
"I thought he would give up and stop fighting with Jiang’s family. Who ever thought that he even had an uncle who was Meng Jiangcheng? Meng Jiangcheng’s identity was very secret. Even Jiang’s family didn’t know exactly what was hidden in the past. I can’t tell, or their mother had a mind that she was afraid of being killed by Jiang’s family. She secretly hid it with her surname and her mother’s surname, but they never gave up. Hehe, look at the name and you will know that Meng Jiangcheng’s mother’s surname can be followed by a Jiang word, which means it is self-evident that giving birth to a child, They are never reconciled! "
Warm frown. If what Jin Meilin said is true, then it’s too big for the Meng family to seek. Jiang Jiaken? This is not only a question of face and fame, but also involves power, status and wealth!
Moreover, according to her intuition, she thinks that the Meng family wants more than that. Perhaps the ambition is to imagine that the Jiang family is at the top and the people are the rulers of this country. What about the Meng family?
The more you want to warm your heart, the more you sink. Now, the North City is dominated by the Meng family, the armed forces and the government, and there is no shortage of financial resources, but it is an opportunity.
And those powerful guns. If she can’t guess their ambitions, she’s naive.
When I got back to the Rose Garden, dinner was ready, and three men with different charms sat at the table waiting for her. There was no impatience, gentle gaze and joy and enthusiasm after waiting for her.
Warm that heavy heart and get the best comfort and healing in an instant. She is not afraid to have them waiting for her ahead, no matter what it is.
After dinner, the warmth repeated Jin Meilin’s words. Fu Yunyi’s expression was the most surprised. After the surprise, it was dignified. "What makes the Meng family?" Why dare you have such great ambitions?
They all say that they are willing to cut their clothes and dare to pull the emperor, but how many people can really do it through the ages? Ordinary people dare not even have such a mind, even if they think about it, they think it is a fable joke.
But Meng Jiagan not only dared to think, but also really did it.
The sacred face is rare, and his voice is dark. "They are staring at the tribe."
Dare to think and do

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