长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 广州夜网 On the other hand, although Aotelanke strongly advocated courage, he did not make a single oral speech to the alliance like Gilneas. However, it is said that King Perez Nord finished out of fear, that is, Jean Grey Bristle did not move at that time. Earlier, the kirin tor Department was very skeptical that if the alliance was defeated in the tribal crazy attack, Perez Nord would probably want to surrender to the hammer of destruction.

On the other hand, although Aotelanke strongly advocated courage, he did not make a single oral speech to the alliance like Gilneas. However, it is said that King Perez Nord finished out of fear, that is, Jean Grey Bristle did not move at that time. Earlier, the kirin tor Department was very skeptical that if the alliance was defeated in the tribal crazy attack, Perez Nord would probably want to surrender to the hammer of destruction.

This fear was later proved to be that Perez Nord really betrayed the alliance, but fortunately, this despicable act was very short-lived. When Terenas learned about it, he quickly sent Lordaeron’s army to Otlanque and put it under military control. During the wartime, no one would complain about this kind of trip, especially when storm Gard came to Sola Stolbain and asked him to recognize the wartime sacrifice compensation. storm Gard should get the eastern territory of its former traitor neighbor.
Terenas doesn’t think so. He is still weighing the gains and losses of two plans. Whether to turn the Outlak into a vassal country or to set up a new and more obedient monarch in front of its king is always under the control of Lordaeron. Although storm Gard was indeed a loyal and staunch ally in wartime, people all know that they respected each other, but this situation still made the politics of the two countries tense.
At that time, Gilneas was not in this complicated situation. It always had little contact with the western countries. King Terenas of kirin tor knew that Jean Grey Bristle’s intervention this time was probably not to increase his expectations, but to realize his dream of expansion. A nephew of Perez Nord once fled to Gilneas after the betrayal, saying that Grey Bristle, when he became the heir to the throne, could transport a large number of southern kingdoms to Gilneas, which lacked resources, and at the same time gave Gilneas an excuse for warships to cross the sea, although this would threaten Kurras, a country with a strong desire for sea hegemony.
This will split the alliance. The novel of the young mage
It’s not that serious now, said the elf mage, but I’m afraid the difference will not be too far. At present, we don’t care about those dragons. Death Wing is still alive. We will go to alexstrasza to avenge ourselves. Personally, I will never stop the world from losing dragons. It’s not a bad thing. After all, it’s no longer their time.
I’ve heard that a fairy dragon used to be an alliance or even a good friend.
The elf turned to the talking mage and revealed that her body looked much smaller than the shadow. I assure you that means we will never lower ourselves to fight with that monster.
The moon is full of stars instead of the hot sun and dark clouds. The sixth mage leaned slightly as if to apologize for what he just said. It seems that I should not have said it by mistake.
You’re right. It’s very important to stabilize the current political situation. The wizard Hu said to the fifth mage, I agree to give priority to solving this problem. However, what happened in Katz Mo Dan can’t be ignored. No matter what the Death Wing is like, the orcs still hold the dragon queen captive, which is a serious threat to the stability of the mainland.
Then we need a scout, the old woman suddenly interjected. He wants to keep an eye on the development and report to us in an emergency.
But who will take the responsibility? We have no hands now.
A sixth mage slipped forward, but his face was still hidden in the shadow when he spoke, and he also had a Ronin.
Master Hu of Luoning shouted that after he did that, Luoning was no longer qualified to wear a mage’s robe, and he would bring danger instead of hope.
He is very important, and the old woman agrees.
The maverick, the fat grunted
Not trustworthy.
After everyone expressed their opinions, the sixth mage nodded slowly, but at this juncture, he was the only mage we could send. Besides, it was a simple reconnaissance, and there was almost no great danger. He observed the situation and then reported that this was all. The mage added in the dark that I think he should have learned a lesson from this operation.
I hope this older woman whispers that he may have finished that at the cost of so many of his companions’ lives.
This time it will be done by him alone, except for a guide who will take him to the alliance border, but the guide will not enter Katz Mo Dan, and he will also have a vision ball, which will enable him to see things far away.
It really looks lonely enough, said the young girl, that is, for Ronin.
The genie nodded impatiently, so we can pass this plan and end this topic. Maybe we are lucky enough that Death Wing swallowed Ronin in one gulp and choked to death, which will solve the two evils forever. He looked at the others and continued, and now I hope we can discuss it in a middle way. We should play a role in Gilneas’ intervention in the Outlak incident.
He has been here for two hours with his head down and his eyes closed. He seems to be lost in thought. There is no light source. There is a little faint light in the room. The scenery looks very hazy. No one sits on the chair and is thrown aside. Behind him, there is a tapestry with a purple area embroidered with a complicated structure, but it seems that he can see through all the golden eyes. The same golden dagger points to the ground. This flag has been held high during the war to fulfill their guardian alliance life, although not every kirin tor member is so glorious in fulfilling his life.
Ronin’s dull, no-ups and downs sounded from all sides of the house.
He raised his head with thick red hair and dark green eyes and looked at a scar on his dark nose. It was the hand of an apprentice. However, no matter whether the accident was clever or not, Ronin never wanted to repair it. That is to say, Ronin never looked ugly. He had a strong and graceful face and a pair of arched eyebrows. His expression always seemed full of irony and suspicion, which made him get into trouble in high-level people more than once, and this expression was consistent with his actual attitude, which obviously could also have a negative impact on the situation.
He is tall and handsome in elegant midnight blue robe, that is, for the wizards, Ronin almost never fought, that is, he sacrificed five excellent companions in the game, and he just stared at the darkness in front of him and waited for the wizards to talk to him from a certain direction.
I have been waiting for your call for a long time, and there is a trace of impatience in Ronin’s low tone with red braid.
So what? I have to wait for them to remember this. A black cloak covers the height and a big figure looms in the dark as the sixth member of the Presbyterian Church in kirin tor. Now it’s okay.
For the first time, Ronin’s eyes kindled a glimmer of desire. What about my repentance? My repentance period is over.
Yes, you have been admitted back to our ranks on condition that you accept an important
They can still trust me so much. The young mage’s voice became bitter after that failure.
You’re the only one we can have.
That sounds credible. I should have thought of it
Holding these in the shadow, the mage stretched out his thin palm with gloves and spread it out. Suddenly, two things flashed: a small jade ball and a huge black gem and gold ring.
Ronin reached out to his palm in the same way, and the two things turned into his hand. He gently picked them up and observed them carefully. I can recognize that this is a vision ball, but the other one has never seen it. It looks very powerful, but I guess it is not an offensive thing.
You are very clever, Ronin. This is also an important reason for me to choose you. You already know that this ring protects the area where you will be executed. Orc wizards can protect you from them, but unfortunately, it is also difficult for us to find you.
It seems that I will smile with a hint of irony when I am alone, so that no one will die because of my involvement.
This will not be less than before you arrive at the port. We will send an elf ranger to escort you.

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