长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 蒲友网 Gretel’s room has changed a lot compared with the last time he went. First of all, all the dolls were gone. About one afternoon about a month ago, when Liu Trent kotler left, Gretel decided not to have any more dolls, so she put them in four big bags and threw them in front of the dolls. She hung a map of Europe, which was given to her by her father. She read the newspaper every day, and she kept moving with the newspaper. Bruno felt that she was going crazy, but she didn’t tease him and bully him as before. He felt that it wouldn’t hurt to talk to her.

Gretel’s room has changed a lot compared with the last time he went. First of all, all the dolls were gone. About one afternoon about a month ago, when Liu Trent kotler left, Gretel decided not to have any more dolls, so she put them in four big bags and threw them in front of the dolls. She hung a map of Europe, which was given to her by her father. She read the newspaper every day, and she kept moving with the newspaper. Bruno felt that she was going crazy, but she didn’t tease him and bully him as before. He felt that it wouldn’t hurt to talk to her.

Hello, he said, knocking on her door politely because he knew she would be very angry if she broke into the house.
What are you doing? Gretel asked her. She sat in front of the dresser and brushed her hair.
Nothing Bruno said
Then go.
Bruno nodded, but went into the room and sat on the side of the bed. Gretel watched him come in, but said nothing.
Gretel, he continued, can I ask you something?
Ask quickly and go, she said
He said about going here together, but her horse interrupted him.
It’s not called going with Bruno here. She said angrily, it seems that this is the worst mistake in history. Can’t you pronounce it correctly?
That is, let’s go to Tajian together
No, she continued to insist on correcting his pronunciation of Zhongying’s name.
Bruno frowned and shrugged. That’s what I said. He said
No, it’s not. Anyway, I don’t want to argue with you. Gretel said that she had lost patience because she had little patience from the beginning. So what’s your problem? What do you want to know?
I want to know about the wire. He firmly said that he thought it was the most important thing, so he asked this first. I want to know what it is.
Gretel turned his chair and looked at him curiously. You mean you don’t know, she asked
I don’t know what Bruno said about me. Why can’t we go to the wire side? What have we done wrong and can’t go there to play?
Gretel stared at him and burst into a shrill laugh until she saw that Bruno was really serious.
Bruno, her child said in a tone as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. The wire didn’t stop us from passing, but stopped them from coming.
Bruno thought for a while, but it was still not too white, but what did he ask?
Because they have to be together, Gretel explained
You mean their families are together
Well, it’s their family, but they are the same kind of people.
What do you mean, the same person?
Gretel sighed and shook his head. Don’t you know Bruno, the other Jew? This is why they are together because they can’t be with us.
Bruno, a Jew, said that he felt the word "experience". He pronounced it Jewish. He repeated that people on the other side of the wire were all Jews.
Gretel said it.
Are we Jews?
Gretel opened his mouth as if someone had slapped him hard. It wasn’t Bruno. She said it wasn’t us. Of course not. Absolutely not. You can’t say that stupid thing again.
But what? Then who are we?
We are explained by Gretel, but we have to keep thinking about it. We are repeated by her, but we don’t know what to answer. Well, we are not Jews, she finally said
I know we’re not Bruno. I’m asking you, we’re not Jews, so who are we?
We are opposite personalities, and Ritter answered quickly. It sounds as if she is satisfied with the answer, but that’s it. We are Jews and opposite people.
Well, Bruno said he was glad that the problem was finally solved in his mind. On the contrary, people live on this side of the barbed wire and Jews live there.
It’s Bruno
Aren’t Jews the opposite?
Not us, not them, idiots.
Bruno frowned. Gretel was told again and again not to call him an idiot, but she still did.
Well, what, we don’t? He asked.
Because they are Jewish, Gretel said
I understand that Jews, on the other hand, can’t get along well.
No, Bruno Gretel said, but she spoke slowly because she found something unusual in her hair and examined it carefully.
Well, no one can keep them together

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