长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 广州夜网 What if it is engraved into the forbidden zone of life and into chaos? Maybe there will be time to try one by one. "

What if it is engraved into the forbidden zone of life and into chaos? Maybe there will be time to try one by one. "

Li Yu pondered silently, took out a platform and copied all the things left by the fourth generation source Tianshi for practice to confirm.
An hour later, they left the ancient pavilion again, but the fog became thinner along the way. The previous obscurity was different, but the depression was deeper and deeper.
"Bloody month? What kind of evil omen is this, Lao Gu? Is there something wrong with you leading the way? "
At present, after more than ten miles, De rested on her hips and glanced obliquely at the blood moon ahead, which is not a good sign in the geomantic tunnel.
See there is a blood moon on the ground ahead, and Tian Yue echoes and attracts all over the sky, but it turns crimson after entering the ground.
It was a bloody crescent moon with a feminine breath. The more you watch it, the more creepy it is.
"There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s the cave of the blood moon, the cave of the red moon, and the companion place we’re looking for."
Li Yu points to the blood moon, and there is a dark sun on the other side. The mountain is Luoriling.
The same name as the Red Moon Cave in Luoriling will occasionally be accompanied by the same birth, which will be extremely horrible, at least not more than three places in ancient times.
However, there is a different Hengyu land here, which has been refined through the Sun God Furnace of the Emperor, so just Yang’s momentum is slightly insufficient and has been absorbed too much. This twin magic land is naturally broken.
"Why do I sound so familiar? It’s the place where Hengyu Emperor’s soldiers sacrificed their weapons!"
Duan De suddenly realized that it was this place that Li Yu was looking for. It is no wonder that Hengyu Emperor came all the way. Hengyu Emperor created the Ginger Family, and the descendants of Gu Hua Dynasty Li Yu naturally came.
What he said about the emperor’s presence is that this place is a constant space training ground, which is really a great accident!
The Taoist priest’s eyes doubled, but it soon eased. It’s hard to say what the Emperor Hengyu left.
"I also heard that many people in Zhongzhou can’t recognize the deepest part of the ancient mine. This forbidden area is less than dangerous. He said that Zhonghengyu Emperor has a great chance.
He got a large piece of burn blood red gold. If he wants to be refined into a weapon, he must go to a special place. Only the falling ridge meets the requirements. "
When the old Taoist priest arrived in ancient times, it was said that Hengyu the Great got a sacred bone and an shapeless holy spirit, but the fact is that a piece of burnt blood and red gold is not as bizarre as the world said.
The falling sun ridge is said to be a masculine Jedi, and only the ancient forbidden area like Taichu Ancient Mine can be bred by the Chinese side.
Burning blood, red gold, such an immortal material, is so strong that it is the first choice to sacrifice it to the extreme as a weapon.
"It’s time for my sword tablet to be recast, and it’s time to look for it."
Li Yu’s mind is the first to move forward. Although it is said that it is a dangerous place, it is not easy for ordinary people to deal with them here.
Nakakoji, associated with the Blood Moon Cave in Duoriling, is the safest place to pass, but the balance of Yin and Yang has been broken and there have been unexpected changes.
After a short time, there was a sound of gravel rolling behind the three people, and red hair appeared in the Red Moon Cave like a tidal surge, and blood ripples rolled up some sandstorms.
"This is a good time for the red moon tide to overwhelm the yang force and enter the sunset ridge."
The old Taoist priest Kou took the lead in the road ahead, and with a flick of his sleeve, he opened a road directly to the depths of Luoriling.
A group of people walked along the way for a moment and then they saw an ancient relic standing in the depths of Luoriling, as if it had gone through ages.
"The two great soldiers are branded and trembled. The traces left by Hengyu Emperor are very heavy, not just as simple as refining soldiers."
Li Yu gave birth to a sensation, and the eyebrows trembled one foot and one furnace. The tide of red gold surged and continued to stretch into the distance, and the relics echoed and echoed with joy.
"What did your ancestors leave in this refined soldier? You are pregnant with blood and branded with emperor soldiers, and you can probably meet an accident."
Duan De saw his one eye, rarely did not move.
Although this relic stands in front of us, it has already decayed into broken walls, which will turn to dust at the touch of a hand, even those stone pillars.
There is a bright relic ahead, and there is still a remnant of yang not far away. A fuzzy black sun can be seen telepathically.
Its Fiona Fang is only a few hundred feet smaller than the Red Moon Cave. Over the past 100 thousand years, the yang is still insufficient
Surprisingly, there is an ancient building standing tall and not collapsed on the side of the dark sun, and there is a plaque engraved with the word’ Hengyu’.
"This is the palace left by Hengyu Emperor when offering sacrifices to soldiers? How long did he stay here? "
Duan De unexpectedly didn’t expect that there was such a palace in the refining ground. It’s hard to say whether there was anything left in it.
Although the residence of the emperor in the past years has been dusty, it still stands still and has a rhyme; Such boldness of vision makes people admire others, and they are frightened when they enter the restricted area in the beginning, but he lives in seclusion.
"It’s not just as simple as refining the emperor’s soldiers, just like the ancient mine in the beginning is deep and not the source stone."
Li Yu didn’t say much, but followed the brand of the two emperors alone to find out what Hengyu Emperor left behind in the past.
In the past years, the Emperor came here with blood and gold, and he also tried to test a terrorist opponent, but it didn’t succeed. The news came out that he spent more than several years alone in the restricted area to refine extreme weapons.
Hengyu furnace Gu Hua’s foot chatter is becoming more and more intense, like feeling the breath of the master in the past, and the whole thing shines and reflects the light and shadow.
In particular, Hengyu Furnace shows the picture of ancient mines in the early years of the past, and there is a horror in the dark and the emperor war broke out.
"In a desert in the East Wilderness, there are still remnants of the enemy fighting in the restricted area of Hengyu Emperor, and even the fragments of the other party are there."
Li Yu, who was near Hengyu Palace, suddenly remembered that the desert had rushed out of the enemy from the ancient mine in the beginning and was killed there by Hengyu Emperor.
When I walked to the door, I felt as if there was a long bell echoing, like welcoming Li Yu’s arrival, and the door was deafening, and the scene was just as it was then.
Duan De and others were surprised that this clock seemed to have come from the ages. Did the emperor foresee something at that time?
"A palace has also been rendered with traces of Emperor Tao."

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夏日炎炎,长沙这座火炉城市更是让人酷热难耐。然而,在这个高温的季节里,有一个地方却成为了避暑纳凉的天堂——那就是长沙枫林桑拿。这里不仅环境优雅,设施齐全,更有着独特的桑拿文化,让人在享受汗蒸的同时,感受一场身心的洗礼。 长沙枫林桑拿位于长沙市岳麓区,交通便利,周边环境优美。走进这里,首先映入眼帘的是一片绿意盎然的枫林,仿佛置身于天然氧吧。这里的建筑风格独具特色,融合了现代与传统的元素,给人一种温馨舒适的感觉。 枫林桑拿拥有多种桑拿房,包括干蒸房、湿蒸房、石板房等,满足不同顾客的需求。干蒸房温度适中,可以促进血液循环,消除疲劳;湿蒸房则通过蒸汽的渗透,深入肌肤,帮助排除体内毒素。石板房则是利用天然石板的散热性,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,感受到清凉。 在枫林桑拿,顾客可以尽情享受桑拿带来的多重好处。首先,桑拿可以促进新陈代谢,加速血液循环,提高身体免疫力。其次,桑拿有助于排除体内多余的油脂和毒素,使肌肤更加紧致有弹性。此外,桑拿还可以缓解肌肉酸痛,减轻工作压力,让人在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静。 在枫林桑拿,顾客不仅可以享受到高品质的桑拿服务,还可以体验到独特的桑拿文化。这里的桑拿师技艺精湛,服务周到,他们会根据顾客的体质和需求,提供个性化的桑拿方案。在桑拿过程中,顾客还可以品尝到各种茶饮,如菊花茶、绿茶、玫瑰花茶等,既解渴又养生。 值得一提的是,枫林桑拿还提供多种休闲娱乐项目,如按摩、足疗、棋牌室等,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,放松身心。此外,这里的餐饮服务也非常出色,提供各种美食,满足顾客的味蕾。 夏日炎炎,不妨来到长沙枫林桑拿,体验一场别开生面的桑拿之旅。在这里,你可以暂时忘却城市的喧嚣,尽情享受大自然的恩赐。以下是一些建议,帮助你更好地享受枫林桑拿: 1. 提前预约:为了确保有好的桑拿体验,建议提前预约。 2. 注意休息:桑拿过程中,身体会大量出汗,建议适当补充水分,以免脱水。 3. 适当饮食:桑拿前后,不要进食过多油腻食物,以免加重身体负担。 4. 服从桑拿师指导:在桑拿过程中,要听从桑拿师的指导,确保安全。 5. 保持心情愉悦:桑拿是一种身心放松的方式,保持心情愉悦,才能更好地享受桑拿带来的好处。 总之,长沙枫林桑拿是一个夏日避暑的绝妙选择。在这里,你可以尽情享受桑拿带来的愉悦,感受一场身心的洗礼。快来枫林桑拿,开启你的夏日避暑之旅吧!